Quotes from Local Authority Faculty Reviews

As part of our drive to improve, Prendergast Ladywell School undertakes regular Faculty Reviews. Here are some quotes from the resulting reports:

“Leadership has focused actions on recruitment, retention, training and ‘growing our own’.  These actions are leading to stronger teaching, improved progress and positive staff morale.”


“Teachers have demonstrated in learning walks that the schools behaviour systems are used consistently and that expectations are enforced well in class. Low level disruption is dealt with in a firm but fair manner.”


“Pupil progress is improving.”


“Student conduct is good, Students’ attitudes towards learning are good. Students say that they enjoy learning Modern Foreign Languages because they learn a different way of communication and understanding of different people and their cultures.”


“Capacity to improve is strong because the head of department and senior management of the school are clear about the strengths and areas for improvements. They are taking actions to bring about further improvements in students’ performance.”


“Students’ conduct is good because students are engaged and enjoy their learning. Students’ attitudes to learning are good, because they are engaged in their learning and teachers generally have high expectations for their behaviour and achievement in lessons.”


“The curriculum is good as the changes that have been made to Year 9 ensure that students are better prepared for their GCSE studies.”


“Leadership and management of Humanities is good, because the new Head of Faculty and Subject Leaders are leading the faculty with rigor.  Capacity to improve is strong because of the good leadership of the Head of Faculty as well as the Subject Leaders of Geography and RE.”

Posted on 8th March 2016