Pupil Progress
As part of our drive to improve, Prendergast Ladywell School undertakes regular Faculty Reviews.
We had a number of reviews last academic year; please see some quotes and extracts from the resulting reports below.
Leadership has focused actions on recruitment, retention, training and ‘growing our own’. These actions are leading to stronger teaching, improved progress and positive staff morale.
Student conduct is good, Students’ attitudes towards learning are good. Students say that they enjoy learning Modern Foreign Languages because they learn a different way of communication and understanding of different people and their cultures.
Capacity to improve is strong because the Head of Department and senior management of the school are clear about the strengths and areas for improvements. They are taking actions to bring about further improvements in students’ performance.
Students’ conduct is good because students are engaged and enjoy their learning. Students’ attitudes to learning are good, because they are engaged in their learning and teachers generally have high expectations for their behaviour and achievement in lessons.
The curriculum is good as the changes that have been made to Year 9 ensure that students are better prepared for their GCSE studies.
Leadership and management of Humanities is good, because the new Head of Faculty and Subject Leaders are leading the faculty with rigor. Capacity to improve is strong because of the good leadership of the Head of Faculty as well as the Subject Leaders of Geography and RE.
Extracts from the Maths review
Teachers’ marking consistently highlights what pupils need to do to improve with a range of opportunities for pupils to respond to comments.
Overall teaching in the department is good.
Features that were good include
- Teachers subject knowledge
- Teachers use of activities to support engagement and reflection (including good starters and smooth change of episodes during the lesson)
- Pupils behaviour for learning
- Teachers’ high expectations setting of the pitch (content) for teaching
Pupils’ behaviour for learning was outstanding.
- All pupils were on task in all lessons
- Pupils used a range of resources responsibly and with familiarity
- Pupils demonstrated good listening skills when listening to the teacher and to each other.
- Pupils responded to transitions seamlessly.
- Pupils participated well in group discussions with small groups and whole class discussions
- There were high expectations for the pupils’ behaviour for learning in all classes.
Leadership and management is good, because the subject leader and Line manager have clear and achievable plans to support improvement. Capacity to improve is strong because of the good leadership of the subject leader, because the teaching staff have sound subject knowledge and time is provided to support improvement.
Extracts from the English Review
The department is good because it continues demonstrates in practice the stated aim to be ‘ambitious for every student’. Teachers strive to personalise learning and to ensure that all students can achieve to the best of their ability.
The quality of teaching is good because teachers use a wide range of teaching, learning and assessment strategies. This was seen in all lessons observed. Staff know students well and personalise learning according to individual needs. Teachers have sound subject knowledge and the are able to enthuse and motivate students through creative and original resources. An example of this was seen in a lesson which used a piece of music as a stimulus. Others used lively presentations to engage students.
Students’ attitudes to learning are good because they are motivated by staff and keen to do well. A number of initiatives have been introduced to enhance students’ attitudes to learning. There are regular and sustained opportunities to self-assess; consistent feedback from staff on the quality of work; presentation targets to encourage students to take pride in the presentation of work. These are rewarded with Vivos when completed. Stamps are also used to record ‘verbal feedback’ given by staff.
Leadership and management of English is good… the capacity to improve is strong because the Head of Faculty is responsive to areas improvement identified in the last review and the School Improvement Plan.